Used Ford & Holden Cars in Christchurch

Currently, our inventory boasts hundreds of vehicles and if you don't find precisely what you're looking for, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. Your desired vehicle might be available in our next shipment or we can actively source it for you. So, when you're contemplating a used Nissan or used Ford in Christchurch, we invite you to visit us and explore our selection in person or contact our team today at (03) 377 8500.

Looking for Nissan used cars Christchurch? The team at Paul Kelly Motor Company are always on hand to help you pick the right one. When you are looking for value, you can’t go past a Nissan. Nissan designs their vehicles well, using high quality materials. Plus, with premium safety features, you simply won’t believe how affordable the Nissan range is.

Regardless of your budget, at Paul Kelly Motor Company, we are committed to providing you with the best deals. Additionally, we can assist in arranging vehicle financing to suit your needs. Our dedicated team is here to serve you, so don't hesitate to reach out to us on (03) 377 8500. Let us assist you in finding the perfect used Nissan or used Ford in Christchurch.

So, when you're contemplating a used Nissan or used Ford in Christchurch, we invite you to visit us and explore our selection in person or contact our team today at (03) 377 8500.
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Thinking About A Nissan?

Looking for Nissan used cars Christchurch? The team at Paul Kelly Motor Company are always on hand to help you pick the right one. When you are looking for value, you can’t go past a Nissan. Nissan designs their vehicles well, using high quality materials. Plus, with premium safety features, you simply won’t believe how affordable the Nissan range is.

Are You In The Market For a Used Ford in Christchurch?

If you're in search of a brand with a rich history renowned for its design, quality, value and efficiency, Ford is the name that ticks all the boxes. In recent years, Ford has revolutionised its approach to crafting cars and trucks, pushing the boundaries of automotive technology and engineering to new heights. When faced with the decision of whether a Nissan or Ford aligns better with your needs, rest assured Paul Kelly Motor Company offers both options. We invite you to visit us and explore our selection, where we'll assist you in finding a reliable and affordable vehicle that suits your preferences. Whether it's Ford or Nissan or something else, we're here to help you make the right choice.

Talk To Us First About Used Cars

A look around any of our five dealership locations reveals that we offer the finest selection of Ford and Nissan used cars in Christchurch. If visiting in person isn't currently convenient for you, we encourage you to explore our user-friendly website. It provides easy to use search options, allowing you to filter by manufacturer, model, body type, price, year and more. Regardless of your budget, at Paul Kelly Motor Company, we are committed to providing you with the best deals. Additionally, we can assist in arranging vehicle financing to suit your needs. Our dedicated team is here to serve you, so don't hesitate to reach out to us on (03) 377 8500. Let us assist you in finding the perfect used Nissan or used Ford in Christchurch.